Casey is from rural Western Australia, spending much or her childhood living in remote farming areas, surrounded by nature and the stark rich colours of the outback landscapes.
Following graduation Casey spent 6 years living in the Kimberley region of Australia, it was here where Casey’s love for the ocean grew, and her sense of adventure and wonder to explore flourished. The Kimberley landscapes are so vivid in their colour, sometimes harsh, but always beautiful, spanning huge distances, and ever changing.
A love of art has always been present, growing up with a creative nature, however this was directed more toward corporate life than artistic expression until Casey was 27 and had a life changing event. At this time, Casey turned to art for reprise from the corporate world and to express her creative nature, and in this moment was drawn to create pieces resembling Australian landscapes; my favourite pieces are listed here in the resin series.
In early 2020 a happy accident with ink lead to a new exploration with abstract photography, and the ink series was created.